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Five of the Most Important Pieces of Equipment for Private Investigators

As a private investigator, you need high-quality equipment to make sure that you’re set up for success. You have most likely conducted surveillance at odd times, in odd places. You know how important it can be to have equipment that you can really depend on as you work.

There are numerous applications and technological resources for private investigators today. While many people imagine PIs sitting in cars, holding binoculars out the window and listening to their target on the car radio through a bug, as a qualified PI you know that modern tools are actually far more advanced and convenient. In fact, today there are so many high-tech tools for PIs to use in obtaining information and evidence, it can be difficult to choose which ones to use.

Fortunately, you’re in the right place. No more guessing. Find out what’s the best PI equipment you should be using in your work:


It’s true. Smartphones are useful in everything, including surveillance. In fact, your smartphone may end up being the tool you use more than any other. Your smartphone will become your map and guidebook, the tool you use to look up anything you need to know (thanks, Google), a way to identify suspects, a resource for finding routes, and even the place you can quickly figure out information about vehicles.

There are so many ways for a private investigator to use their smartphone in their work, it’s incredible. Make sure you’re not leaving your phone in your pocket when you’re working. Get that thing out and use it as the tool it was designed to be.

Apps for PIs

Utilizing investigative apps of all kinds is now essential for PI work as well. There are iPhone or Android apps for pretty much anything these days, including PI work. Most PIs use the basics in their work: maps, books, docs and camera. While these are essential tools for a PI, they’re also just scratching the surface of what is available for private investigators.

A few helpful private investigator apps that you can download to your smartphone include:

  • Map apps
  • Public record database search
  • High-def camera
  • Speech to text
  • Pre-texting


When you’re a PI, laptops are a great tool to have for searching out information and data, watching and editing videos, and more. In fact, a lot of the work that PIs do requires a laptop and can’t be done adequately just typing on a phone. With a laptop, you’re able to complete necessary tasks seamlessly and keep important information organized in one place. When coupled with a Wi-Fi hot spot, they can be used anywhere at any time.

Hidden camera

These hidden cameras or covert cameras are a great way to discreetly record the information you need. With them, you’re able to record videos, conversations and more, giving you the information you need to complete your task. In addition to using a hidden camera, you may also need to detect if one is in use. And of course, there’s an app for that!

Great Database

Using these tools to gather information is important, but you also need an extensive database that you can trust. The powerful database offered by the TLOxp® online application quickly and efficiently provides and delivers results. Solve cases while saving time and money with TLOxp. Begin your free trial today!

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